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Fides et Ratio

Saint Mary Catholic School is committed to assisting parents in the formation of their children by engaging in a classical education where students unify faith and reason to carry the light of truth to the world. By helping students strive for academic excellence, delight in the gift of learning, and imitate the virtues of Jesus Christ, children will be joyfully compelled to live a life of knowledge, love, and service.

Saint Mary School Mission

Welcome, we are so happy you are here!

Graduates of Saint Mary are grounded in the unity of faith and reason as leaders who are primed to realize their full potential.  They are academically strong and open to growth by embracing challenge.  As life-long learners, they read well, speak well and think well ​and know that truth and beauty are good in themselves.  As a result, they continue to progress in deepening their faith and emerge as persons of character and compassion as Disciples of Christ.

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Image by Julia Taubitz

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Make sure to check it regularly for important dates and events!

Picture life at St. Mary...

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