Founded in 1959 by the Sisters of St. Joseph
Roman Catholic, Diocese of Lansing, MI
Accredited by the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS)
Member of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA)

School Motto: Faith & Reason
Grades: PK-8th
Average Class Size: 14 Students
Daily Mass for 1st-8th Grades
Weekly Mass PK, Y5 & K​
Frequent Opportunities for Reconciliation
Family Prep for First Reconciliation & First Communion
S.M.A.R.T. After School Care Program
Vibrant Student Life

Education in Virtue, Classical Formation, Christian Discipleship, In Service of the Family, and Joyful Fidelity to the Catholic Church.
In the Fall of 2017, Saint Mary began integrating a Catholic Classical Curriculum in developmental kindergarten through fifth grade.
Students with special needs have access to services at St. Mary School through the Williamston Community Schools Special Education Department.
Students in kindergarten through eighth grade take the Northwest Educational Assessment (NWEA) three times a year to monitor progress.
Students in fifth grade take the Diocese of Lansing Religion Test.

Enriching Student Lives
Our Teachers.
“The greatest challenge to Catholic education in the United States today, and the greatest contribution that authentically Catholic education can make to American culture, is to restore to that culture the conviction that human beings can grasp the truth of things, and in grasping that truth can know their duties to God, to themselves, and their neighbors."
-Pope Saint John Paul II